The Recycle Bin on Windows 7 stores of our deleted files, allowing we the option to restore any files that may have been accidentally deleted. The default size limit on the Recycle Bin is ten percent of the size of our hard drive. However, if we are deleting large amounts of files, we shall want to increase the size of the Recycle Bin. This number can be increased and decreased to any amount, depending on our needs.
1. Right-click to the "Recycle Bin" icon on the desktop. Click "Properties" from drop-down menu.
2. Click to the drive who’s Recycle Bin we want to change. For many of the users, this is the "C:\" drive and is selected automatically.
3. Click to the bubble next "Custom Size." Enter the size, in megabytes, that the Recycle Bin will hold.
4. Click "OK" to save for the changes.